I thought I would take a moment to share some photos of my my cat with you. This isn’t entirely random; there’s a connection between Sofi and sweet potato biscuits, if you can believe it. The truth is, I don’t think it’s possible to have more stupid nicknames for a cat than Jeff and I have managed to come up with over the years. But my favorite nickname for her has always been Sweet Potato (followed closely by Pumpernickel). Good morning, Sweet Potato! Come here my little sweet potato. It just sounds so endearing, doesn’t it? Taking hilarious photos of Sofi the Sweet Potato is one of my many hobbies when I’m not taking photos of food.
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Post tags: Baking, Biscuits, Bread, cat, cats, Fall, Food, Food Photography, Photography, Recipes, Seasonal, Side Dishes, Snacks, Sweet Potatoes
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